

Meeting And Events

Safety management and industrial efficiency training for fluoroplastics processing enterprises held in Jiashan



Safety management and industrial efficiency training for fluoroplastics processing enterprises was held by Fluoroplastics Processing Subcommittee China Plastics Processing Industry Association on April 24-25, 2015 in Zhejiang JiaRi Fluoroplastic Co., Ltd. The training was strongly supported by Zhejiang JiaRi Fluoroplastic Co., Ltd. 
Opening ceremony of the training was presided over by secretary general Chen Sheng. Director general Zhuang Su made welcome speech. The chairman of Zhejiang JiaRi Fluoroplastic Co., Ltd Yu Wengen spoke in the opening ceremony.
The training teachers had many years of production management experience, especially in the safety management, process improvement and raising industrial efficiency. The first day, the teacher is safety director of the company that is the top 500 enterprises in the world. Mr Shen explained detailedly about the safety management of enterprise, especially the importance of safety management, equipment protection, behavior safety observation, emergency response, work permit and warehouse safety. After theory knowledge training, Mr Shen led students to the production site for practical exercises. The next day, the teacher is production manager of the company that is the top 500 enterprises in the world. Mr Liu taught us about "how to improve industrial efficiency of enterprises". The key of improving industrial efficiency, labor productivity, artificial loss and overall equipment efficiency were detailedly introduced. Mr Liu analyzed the production case together with students.
Finally, secretary general Chen Sheng made closing speech. The training had achieved the desired effect.




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